Leaving the holidays behind can be difficult, but you must be ready to study and work hard. You will have to choose your subjects in this great university where people share a room, have free time every day and don't have to wear a uniform. And of course, there are excursions, trips and activities where you can have fun and learn.

keyswords :

University ---> Universidad

Subject ---> Sujeto

Half - Term ---> Medio término

Common Room ---> Clase en común

Learning - experiences ---> Experiencias de aprendizaje

New Challenges ---> Nuevos Retos

UNIT 1 :


Sophia and Louisa are girls who have been educated with the "tiger mother" method. It is a method in which their mother chooses everything they have to do, such as: playing an instrument for hours, always getting A's and never having free time.

People raised with this method are not allowed almost anything like going out with friends or watching TV. But Amy Chua, the mother of sophia and louisa, wrote a book talking about how functional this method can be. It is a method that the Chinese usually use, but it does not have to, although the vast majority of Chinese get very good grades and enter the best universities... this method may be the correct one.

keywords :

Accomplisments ---> Logros

Highest marks ---> Calificaciones más altas

Best Effort ---> Máximo esfuerzo

Tiger Mother ---> Madre tigre

Daughters ---> Hijas

Tiger Parenthing ---> Paternidad Tigre

Chinese inmigrants ---> Inmigrantes chinos

Learned ---> Aprendido

Best Universities ---> Mejores universidades

UNIT 2 :


When a person sees someone in danger, they will most likely do what other people are doing, that is, nothing. This is a phenomenon called "the bystander effect", which consists of doing what society does because we believe it is the right thing to do or what is socially accepted. Experiments have been done to test this effect on people, and indeed, the vast majority of people did the same thing.

There are people who do not follow this phenomenon and take risks in dangerous situations. This happens when you feel a special sensitivity towards the person who is in danger, such as when you meet them or when you put yourself in their situation.

In some countries it is mandatory to always help people in danger to be a good citizen, but of course you don't need to risk your life, just call the emergency services.

keywords :

Train station ---> Estación de tren

Train Tracks ---> Vías del tren

Experiment ---> Experimento

Participant ---> Participante

Responsability ---> Responsabilidad

Follow the Rules ---> Seguir las reglas

Socially Acceptable ---> Socialmente aceptado

Heroic gene ---> Gen Heróico

Victim ---> Victima

Good Samaritan ---> Buen samaritano

Emergency Services ---> Servicios de emergencia

UNIT 3 :


Many people use Google Earth to get their bearings, but in this case an Indian boy named Saroo used it to find his family and understand about his past. After losing sight of his family at a train station when he was little, he found himself alone in a huge city where he knew nothing. An Australian family adopted him and raised him in a wonderful home, but over time Saroo became curious about his family and used Google Earth to find the train station where he got lost so he could locate his town.

keywords :

Google Earth ---> Google Earth

Small village --->  Pequeño pueblo

Huge City---> Gran Ciudad

Indian Children ---> Niños Indios

Back to his family ---> Volver con su familia

Growing-up---> Crecer

Desperately poor ---> Desesperadamente pobre

Worked out --->  Preparar

Landmarks ---> Puntos de referencia

Virtual Streets ---> Calles Virtuales

Looking for coins ---> Buscando monedas

Traveling for hours ---> Viajando por horas

Vanished ---> Desapareció

UNIT 4 :


The meat industry is not environmentally friendly, we cut down thousands of forests where animals live and this adds to global warming, the use of pesticides on crops for animals to eat, this is unsustainable.

Mark Post believes that in vitro meat could solve environmental problems, but this meat is complex and expensive to develop because it is a difficult cellular process and would not be widely accepted by consumers.

keywords :

In-vitro burguer ---> Hamburguesa in vitro

Meat ---> Carne

Laboratory ---> Laboratorio

Industry ---> Industria

Pesticides ---> Pesticidas

Environmental problems ---> Problemas medioambientales

Cow ---> Vaca

Cells ---> Células

Contamination ---> Contaminación

Machines ---> Máquinas

Consume ---> Consumir

Impact ---> Impacto

Unnatural ---> Innatural

UNIT 5 :


Cheating is not a human practice, however strange it may seem, it is a practice that birds called cuckoo finches have been carrying out for centuries. This bird is famous for tricking other birds in order to get out of raising its own children.

First, they look for adoptive parents whom they can fool. Then they lay the eggs next to those of the adoptive parents, and since the color of the eggs are very similar, they sting. In the event that the eggs are not the same color, the birds will change the color of theirs so that they do not suspect.

Sometimes the adoptive mother's own children die because they are too busy caring for those who are not their own.

This type of behavior is called brood parasitism and is found in many species of birds, fish and insects. It is incredible how these animals have this behavior, but they only do it because of their survival instinct. Any parent would tell you that raising a child requires a lot of effort, but for these animals it is not complicated at all!

keywords :

Cheating ---> Engañar

Chicks ---> Pollitos

Foster ---> Fomentar

Cuckoo ---> Cuco

Eggs ---> Huevos

Foster Parent ---> Padres adoptivos

Cuckoo Finches ---> Pinzas de Cuco

Paratism ---> Parásito

Survival Skill ---> Habilidades de supervivencia

Animals ---> Animales

Bringing Up ---> Educar

UNIT 6 :


In the old days, people would throw away all their metal rubbish, but until recently, a company in the UK realized what a big business they could do with it. Scrap-metal businesses buy all the metal trash that people throw away, and then sell it to recycling plants. This great idea has made them millionaires and has made other people have a job where they can earn money by selling them the garbage they collect.

Michael is the boss, he inherited the company from his grandparents, and now he drives a Mercedes and wears a Rolex while his employees go through the garbage.

One of his workers is Adam, an ex-convict who gets up early to collect rubbish and sell it to Michael's company.

Charlie and Alfie, father and son, go through the streets of South London with a pony and a cart collecting rubbish, although they do not earn much money, they follow the tradition of their family.

And finally, there is Cheryl, the only woman in the entire company. He spends his nights looking for garbage for the company and supports his 3 children.

keywords :

Metal rubbish ---> Basura metálica

Scrab - metal ---> Chatarra

Businesses ---> Negocio

Collect ---> Recolectar

Recycling ---> Reciclaje

Industry ---> Industria

Scrappers ---> Raspadores


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